It's Time for Action.

The 8th Bristol District needs a voice that will be heard in the Statehouse.
Christopher Thrasher is running to put the needs of Acushnet, Fall River, Freetown, New Bedford, and Westport front and center.

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meet christopher thrasher

Christopher Thrasher is an attorney, public policy advocate, and dedicated Westport resident with a strong commitment to improving the South Coast.

As a member of the Westport School Committee and Westport Finance Committee, Christopher is deeply involved in addressing the the issues that affect the cities and towns of the 8th district, and communities all across the Commonwealth. 

Thrasher’s decision to run for State Representative stems from his growing concern over the impact of state-level decisions on local communities. He believes in advocating for real solutions and fighting against policies that burden local governments with unfunded mandates. 

Christopher Thrasher on the Westport River
Why I'm Running:

It's time for action.

Reforming Outdated Funding Formulas

Our towns are struggling under the weight of funding formulas that no longer work. Massachusetts can do better.

Standing Up Against Offshore Wind

I’m an advocate for real solutions to our environmental and energy crisis –not government subsidized pet projects that have disastrous effects on our communities.

Offshore wind has become a total boondoggle and poses a serious threat to the safety of our environment and economy — the exact opposite of what was sold to us.

Improving Senior Housing Security

It is unacceptable that Massachusetts ranks last in the nation for senior housing security. We need to ensure that our seniors can live with dignity and that young families can afford to stay in our communities.

Making Massachusetts Small Business Friendly

Small businesses are the lifeblood of our communities. It is unacceptable that Massachusetts is one of the most expensive states to start a business. I’ll work to cut the cost of filing in half and bring the Commonwealth in line with more small-business-friendly states

A Voice for The South Coast

The 8th District needs a voice that will be heard in the Statehouse. I am running to put the needs of Acushnet, Fall River, Freetown, New Bedford, and Westport front and center.

Prioritizing Our Tax Dollars

I know what it takes to be an effective legislator, and I am committed to working with the leadership of both parties to bring positive results home to the South Coast.

The 8th Bristol District

It's Time For A VOice.

Acushnet, Fall River, Freetown, New Bedford and Westport deserve a voice in the Statehouse – and not just another vote for the party line on Beacon Hill. 

As your Representative in the General Court, I don’t answer to party bosses – I answer to the communities and voters of the South Coast alone. 

Make your voice heard in November, and I’ll make sure your voice is heard in the Statehouse! 

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